News and future plans
- Since September 1, 2022, I am a Lecturer in Pure Mathematics at the Department of Mathematical Sciences of the University of Liverpool. At the same time I became the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Lead in the department.
- In the first semester of the academic year 2022-23 I teach MATH243 (Complex Functions) together with Daniel Meyer. I also do tutorials for MATH103 (Linear Algebra).
- In the academic year 2022-23, Vasiliki Evdoridou and I are the organisers of the Dynamical Systems seminar at the University of Liverpool.
- We are organising the conference
Complex Dynamics: connections to other fields at the European Center for Geological Education, Chęciny (Poland), that will take place on March 26-31, 2023.
- I plan to participate in the semester
Two Dimensional Maps at the Institut Mittag-Leffler, Djursholm (Sweden), that will take place from January 18 to April 28, 2023. My tentative dates are January 30-February 20 and April 15-29, 2023.
- The slides and recordings of the conference
On geometric complexity of Julia sets - IV that took place at the Będlewo Conference Centre, Będlewo (Poland), on August 14-19, 2022, are now available on the conference website.
Upcoming conferences
Complex Dynamics: connections to other fields
European Center for Geological Education, Chęciny (Poland) March 26-31, 2023
Organizers: K. Barański, A. Dudko, B. Karpińska, J. Kotus, D. Martí-Pete, F. Przytycki, A. Zdunik
Invited speakers include: Fabrizio Bianchi, Walter Bergweiler, Vasiliki Evdoridou, Núria Fagella, Thomas Gauthier, Oleg Ivrii, Misha Lyubich, Volker Mayer, Han Peters, Jasmin Raissy, Lasse Rempe, Giulio Tiozzo, Sebastian van Strien
Conference website:

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