David Martí-Pete
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  Curriculum vitae

Academic degrees


See Teaching and Research.

Organisation of conferences and seminars

  • RIMS Workshop on Complex Dynamics 2017 (coorganised with Prof. Mitsuhiro Shishikura)
    Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto (Japan); December 11-15, 2017.
    Funded by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (Kakenhi).

  • Postgraduate Conference in Complex Dynamics (coorganised with Vasso Evdoridou)
    De Morgan House, London (UK); March 11-13, 2015.
    Funded by an LMS Scheme 8 grant (£3969) and The Open University (£1531).

  • Seminari Informal de Matemàtiques de Barcelona (coorganised with Andratx Bellmunt, Mireia Besalú, Daniel Pérez, Eloi Puertas and Arturo Valdivia)
    Graduate student seminar of the Faculty of Mathematics.
    Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona (Spain); Academic Years 2011-12 and 2012-13.

  • 1a Jornada d'Investigadors Predoctorals Interdisciplinària (coorganised with Anna Alemany, Albert Bruix, Marc Caballero, Joan Camuñas, Blai Garolera, Narcís Miguel, Rubén Pérez, Daniel Pérez, José Manuel Rebled and Oleguer Sagarra)
    Networking event with more than 60 flash talks from PhD students on Maths, Physics and Chemistry.
    Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona (Spain); February 7, 2013.

Participation in scientific events

Conferences and workshops (more than one day): One day meetings: Courses and summer schools (with grading):

Seminar talks

Mentoring and outreach activities


  • I have been awarded the Formula Santander Scolarship 2014 at The Open University. This scolarship, funded by Banco Santander, consists of £4,200 (5,000€) to be spent during the 2014-15 academic year.

  • Second position in the prize Premi Poincaré al millor treball de recerca de batxillerat (3rd edition, 2006) given to the best research project in secondary school by the Facultat de Matemàtiques i Estadística at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Research project La Relativitat [Relativity], tutorized by Miquel Sánchez (IES Joan Guinjoan, Riudoms). Link.

I am a member of

  • Societat Catalana de Matemàtiques [Catalan Mathematical Society] (since 2012)
     La SCM és una societat filial de l'Institut d'Estudis Catalans. Les seves finalitats són el conreu de les ciències matemàtiques, estendre'n el coneixement en la societat catalana, fomentar-ne l'ensenyament i la investigació teòrica i aplicada, així com publicar tota mena de treballs que s'adeqüin a aquests objectius. 

  • London Mathematical Society (since 2013)
     The London Mathematical Society is the major UK learned society for mathematics. The Society's activities include publishing journals and books, providing grants to support mathematics and organising scientific meetings and lectures. 

  • European Mathematical Society (since 2013)
     The European Mathematical Society is a learned society representing mathematicians throughout Europe. It promotes the development of all aspects of mathematics in Europe, in particular mathematical research, relations of mathematics to society, relations to European institutions, and mathematical education. 

Languages (P=Poor, G=Good, C=Correct, N=Native)


 Reading  Writting  Speaking
 Catalan N N N
 Spanish N N N
 English C C C